Leap Ahead Of The Competition! MVP
has raised the standard for photofinishing service with Logless order Entry And
Processing, or LEAP. This advanced technology frees up your valuable time so
you can build your business and concentrate on satisfying your customers. The
LEAP system is easy. Just send us your order envelopes, exposed film and
summary sheets. That's all there is to it! You can throw away your log sheets
To use LEAP, you must:
1) Use our envelopes (#ENV1,
ENVSL). They are specially printed to be "machine readable" so your entire job
can be electronically input into our production system instantly and
2) Use MVP Slate Cards (#SLCD) at
the beginning of each roll and for each team change. These slate cards are then
turned in to us with your envelopes when you send in your job. MVP supplies
free slate cards each time you order envelopes.
3) Complete a Team Definition
Sheet (#F-TEAMDEF) and Job Summary Sheet (#F-JOBSUM).
When your job is received, it
immediately gets processed through LEAP. Your order is then ready to be
produced, quickly and accurately and is available for viewing on our website.
Please call Customer
Service and ask for the LEAP Startup Kit.